I Got Caut!
By Sara Kocek, age 7
My mom says the medasin I drink makes me blue (and it dose) so I went to the refrigarator to get some milk so I would turn wite agen. I snuck past my babysitter.
I got caut.
She sent me up to Michael’s room, not my room (so I would not want to play with his toys cause there for babies) but I played with ONE of his toys anyway intill I turned it backwards. When I told my parents it was backwards they thaut Michael had acksaly been strong anuf to turn it backwards. They claped and gave him a lolly pop. So I told them I did it (cause I wanted a loly pop) and they sent me to bed with out desert because I had lied in the first place! But I hadn’t. I had only told them it was backwards. I went to bed still hungre so in the middle of the nite I snuk a lolly pop.
I got caut.
So my punishmint was NO BREAKFAST! I went to school so hungre! So I stole a peta at the school breakfas program.
I got caut.
My punishmint was to go to the prinsabell’s ofice. I went. He told me no reses. But I went out anyway.
I got caut.
I got detention but I snck out of the bilding.
I got caut.
My mom found out and I was grounded for two weeks. But I crossed out two days on the calinder every day to make it go faster.
I got caut.
My punishmint was no desert for a week. So every nite I snuck a lolly pop.
I got caut.
I left my pad of paper in the kitchen twice.
I got caut.
My eraser fell out. After I got caut I went upstairs and I found a stick and string that said “you’re a klutz.” My toe got caut on the string and the pole bumped into me.
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